• NextStar technologies High Pressure concrete crack injection systems

    NextStar Technologies High Pressure Systems


    Nextstar is your specialist in concrete repair products for foundations and slab floor restoration. Polyurethane foams, Epoxy, Polyurea, Specialized Urethanes and Carbon Fiber for concrete. National # 1-866-445-3984

  • High pressure crack injection pumps equipment and supplies

    Online Store

    Quality Supply

    Concrete crack repair products are used by contractors and professionals for foundation crack and slab repair. High pressure pumps, packers and injection chemicals.

  • single component polyurethane crack injection pumps

    Single Component polyurethane injection pumps

    1 Component

    Single component pumps used for high pressure cracks injection, economical simple and effective for small foundation concrete cracks.

  • Dual component crack injection pumps for epoxy and polyurethane.

    Dual Component injection pumps

    2 Component

    Dual component pumps are used for specialty epoxies and specialized polyurethanes.

  • High Pressure concrete crack injection chemicals

    High Pressure Crack Injection Polyurethane


    NextStar provides several solutions for your high pressure crack injection needs.

High Pressure crack injection packer port
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NextStar-technologies-concrete-foundation-crack-injection-repairRelated ItemsPolyurethane-crack-injection-kits
High Pressure Crack Injection Manual Pump
Manual Hand High-Pressure crack injection tool 6000psi with Dual-piston for improved volume.A Preferred method for High pressure polyurethane.
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$65.00 USD

High Pressure Crack Injection Packer 4x1/2in inch 50 Lot
4 inch high-pressure concrete crack injection mechanical packer.Fits 1/2 in drilled hole usually used with Polyurethane foam.
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$75.00 USD

NextStar-technologies-concrete-foundation-crack-injection-repairRegistered UsersPolyurethane-crack-injection-kits
High Pressure Hammer-in Injection Packer
NextStar-technologies-concrete-foundation-crack-injection-repairItem DetailsPolyurethane-crack-injection-kits
High Pressure Hammer-in Injection Packer
Item Name:

High Pressure Hammer-in Injection Packer

Item #:NX2001
$1.00 USD  $0.78 USD
$0.62 USD (60 - 90)
$0.58 USD (91 - 250)
$0.51 USD (251 - 10000)
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High-Pressure crack injection Hammer-in packer 3-inch x 3/8in 

Used with high-pressure injection pumps or modified grease guns. Sold in Singles.

Standard Zerk fitting, with a low-pressure ball.

Common with any Polyurethane Foam products. 

Ideal for high-pressure injection pumps or mechanical hand pumps.

Designed for the tip check ball to open up at a low pressure of 150 psi so they will function with hand injection tools without any interference.

Installation of packers

1. using a standard hammer drill, drill 3/8 inch hole diagonally every 6 inches to intersect the crack inside the wall.

2. Clean out the drilled injection, this is an important step To prevent dust inside the drilled hole from interfering with the injection.

3. Using an open socket and hammer, hammer into the concrete packers are tight.

4. Begin the Crack injection process

5. If the packers become lose during injection they can be re-hammered in

When other methods have failed or proved ineffective, our high-pressure packers and crack injection systems are the solution you need. The benefits of our high-pressure injection system are numerous. Not only does it effectively fast results, but it also allows for greater control with its ability to keep problem-leaking cracks under control. And with the majority of experts recommending polyurethane foam or epoxy injection for crack repair, our packer proves to be the best choice for quality results.

3 inch high-pressure hammer in concrete crack injection packer. Fits 3/8in hole usually used with Polyurethane foam. High pressure cracking injection with a manual hand pump or electric very high-pressure pump.
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