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    NextStar is your specialist in concrete crack repair for foundation and slab floor restoration. Polyurethane foam, Epoxy, Polyurea, Special Urethanes & Carbon Fiber for concrete. National # 1-866-445-3984

  • Picture showing concrete crack repair injection products with polyurethane and epoxy injection kits and supplies

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    Concrete crack repair products are used by contractors and professionals for foundation crack and slab repair.  Also offering a select line of D-I-Y products to the public. Enter Here

  • Basement and foundation crack repair for leaking basement foundations

    Foundation Crack Repair Kits

    Concrete Cracks

    Premium Polyurethane foam or Epoxy injection for basement concrete foundation cracks, to stop leaking foundations or repair of structural foundation walls using Epoxy.

  • Picture of concrete floor crack repair using cartridge system

    Repair of broken concrete slab floors

    Slab Floors

    Preferred solutions that can effectively repair common problems with broken or cracked concrete floor slabs. Solutions for structural repair of concrete slabs including carbon fiber solutions for reinforcement.

  •  Concrete foundation reinforcement with carbon fiber stronger than steel

    Concrete Reinforcement

    Carbon Fiber

    Carbon Fiber solutions for cracked or bowed concrete structurally reinforced with carbon fiber, stronger than steel but at a reduced cost. Carbon fiber provides a modern proven solution to an old problem and is easy to apply.

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NextStar-technologies-concrete-foundation-crack-injection-repairCategory ListPolyurethane-crack-injection-kits
NextStar-technologies-concrete-foundation-crack-injection-repairRelated ItemsPolyurethane-crack-injection-kits
Moisture Vapor Emission Calcium Chloride Test Kit for Concrete
Concrete floor slab Moisture Emission Test Kit. Anhydrous Calcium Chloride vapor test. Prevent concrete coating failures in advance and treat concrete before coating. This is an Industry standard test also includes a ph test.
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$15.95 USD

Radon Pro 3 Radon Test Monitor
Pro 3 Radon gas Continuous Home Radon Testing electronic monitor. Simple Electronic version for fast regular measurements, Canadian Certified version.
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NextStar-technologies-concrete-foundation-crack-injection-repairRegistered UsersPolyurethane-crack-injection-kits
EmeSealCrete  Moisture - Radon sealer
NextStar-technologies-concrete-foundation-crack-injection-repairItem DetailsPolyurethane-crack-injection-kits
EmeSealCrete  Moisture - Radon sealer
Item Name:

EmeSealCrete Moisture - Radon sealer

Item #:NX2458
$91.95 USD  $65.00 USD
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EmeSealCrete a sodium silicate concrete sealer
Shipping @ $22

EmeSealCrete is a deep-penetrating soil gas and moisture barrier. According to the EPA, the number one cause of lung cancer in non-smokers is radon gas. Pene-Seal-Crete reduces the presence of radon in a home by reacting with concrete’s free lime and forming an expanded crystalline structure beneath the surface. This process fills up pores, voids, or cracks within the concrete, that may or may not be visible to the human eye, eliminating capillary action to prevent the penetration of moisture and soil gas infiltration. It may also be used to permanently densify, strengthen, and waterproof new and existing concrete before coatings are applied.

Application: For block walls, dilute 1 gallon of Pene-Seal-Crete with 2 gallons of hot water; for poured concrete walls, dilute with 3 gallons of water. Be sure to mix thoroughly in a clean bucket or pail. To maximize its use, the Manufacturer recommends two applications of EmeSealCrete.


Protection form radon gas and from moisture vapor entering property can be prevented with Eme-seal-crete  from Nextstar technologies

 Preparation of concentrate Eme-seal-crete for protection of radon gas and moisture vapor  in basements  Spray application of EmeSealCrete


Protect homes against dangerous soil gasses, including radon, and moisture. A "must do" in any household!
•Easy to apply by using a low-pressure hand sprayer or by brooming on, keeping wet for 45 mins. 
•May be applied on poured foundations or concrete block; above or below grade, interior or exterior, vertical or horizontal.
•Covers approximately 200 square feet per diluted gallon, pending substrate composition and porosity.
•Harmless to the environment and applicator.
•Colorless, odorless and solvent-free.
•Not a membrane-type sealer, concrete may be painted over after application.
•Also available in cases of four or five gallon containers.





EmeSealCrete seals out moisture and radon gas transmission through concrete. Concentrate makes 4 x volume.
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