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Radon Pro 3 Radon Test Monitor
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Radon Pro 3 Radon Test Monitor
Item Name:

Radon Pro 3 Radon Test Monitor

Item #:NX2453
Radon Gas Testing
$149.95 USD
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Continuous Home Radon Testing

Canadian Version Not for sale outside Canada, Manufacturer restriction
Model HS79712
Designed for the Canadian guidelines for radon alarm point of 200 becquerels per cubic meter.

Add this Pro3 Digital Radon Gas Alarm

for your home safety. Avoid exposure to radon gas that causes lung
.  Learn if your home or business needs radon mitigation. This electronic radon monitor is the only EPA evaluated radon gas alarm, the Safety Siren Pro 3 Electronic Radon Gas Detector.
As seen on TV, this is not like a single-use radon tester detection kit: radon information from this digital radon gas monitor for home testing is
continuous: indoor air quality regarding radon gas is updated hourly with this radon gas monitoring device.
The clear, easily read digital radon level display of the pro series 3 radon detector shows short-term radon levels as well as long-term radon level averages. The Safety Siren electronic radon monitor gives its first radon reading after 48 hours of radon gas sampling.

Radon gas in air or water is a health hazard resulting from uranium breaking down in the soil. Exposure to radon can cause lung cancer.
Continuous home radon monitoring is recommended in high radon areas or when radon mitigation systems are used. Radon gas levels change according to humidity and season. See "Radon Facts" below the radon monitor information.

Family Safety
Products' Electronic Radon Meter Features:
  • USA EPA Evaluated. 
  • Numeric LED radon gas
    detection level display range:
    .1 to 999.9 in pCi/L. Short and
    long-term readings.
  • Short-term readings:
    7-day radon average.
  • Long-term readings:
    radon averages since powered-up or last reset. 5-year maximum.
  • Audible alarm if short or long-term radon gas averages are 4 pCi/L or greater.
  • Continuously samples air
    . Display updates hourly.
  • Failsafe self-test:
     every 24 hours. Error code displays if the test fails.
  • 4 function menu button
    Green LED illuminates next to S (short-term) or L (long-term) display.
    1. Users can manually test detector operations.
    2. Button to mute or reactivate audible alarm when the unit is in an alarm state.
    3. Begin new test: clear and reset radon monitor memory.
  • Audible alarm signals if :
    1. Long-term radon level is 4 pCi/L or greater.
    2. The Short-term radon level is above 4 pCi/L for 30 consecutive days.
  • 10 ft. power cord
    for radon detector placement away from walls, windows, and doors.

Family Safety Products Safety Siren Pro 3 Digital Radon Alarm

  • Sensor: Ionization chamber
  • Full-scale reading: 999.9 pCi/L
  • Short term: Average radon levels over the past 7 days.
  • Long-term: Average radon reading from last reset or initial power-p,
    maximum 5 years sampling. Automatic reset after 5 years.
  • Audible Alarm: 85db at 10cm. Beeps hourly if short or long-term radon
    levels are 4pCi/L or greater. May be muted by the user.
  • Accuracy: +/- 20% pCi/L
  • Displays Read to 10th, No Rounding Up: Example. 4.20 pCi/L, not 5.0.
  • Averaging Frequency: Hourly.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Hourly Display Updates.
  • Lock Tab: Insert center outlet screw through tab for tamper
  • Operating Environment: 0° C (32° F) to 70°C (158° F)
  • Storage Environment: -20° C (-4° F) to 85° C (185° F)
  • Dimensions: 4.7" x 3.1" x 2.1"
    Power Source:
    • Input: 120v AC/60Hz at 9 Watts
    • Output: 18v DC/200mA
  • Sensor Voltage: 250VDC
  • Weight: 8 ounces
  • Final accuracy test for each Safety
    Siren Pro 3 radon detector is comparison against a professional SUN Nuclear
    radon testing unit.
  • Notes: The Pro 3 radon monitor requires 48 hours sampling time
    before the first accurate reading displays. Always clear
    the memory before beginning a new radon measurement in
    another room or level of your home or building. If you plan to compare against a
    radon canister test, clear the memory and begin and end the tests at exactly the
    same time.
  • Evaluated by US EPA: Meets performance criteria for the continuous radon
  • Warranty: One-year limited manufacturers.
  • If the customer deems the device defective, it must be returned to the
    Manufacturer, and undergo testing. Upon the results of testing; if the device is
    defective it will be replaced at no charge to the customer. If the device is not
    defective a $35.00 testing fee may apply.

Radon Facts:

  • Radon is a colorless, tasteless, and odorless radioactive gas produced by
    uranium breaking down in the soil. Radon testing is important as high-level
    accumulations of radon gas are hazardous to long-term health. According to the
    Iowa Department of Public Health, the Iowa radon survey indicates that Iowa has
    the largest percentage (71.6%) of homes above the US Environmental Protection
    Agency standard of 4pCi/L than any other state.
  • The Surgeon General states radon is second to smoking as the leading cause
    of lung cancer deaths in the United States.
  • The EPA and the Surgeon General recommend radon testing from the lowest
    living level through the 2nd floor.
  • Radon gas decays into radioactive particles that can be trapped in the lungs as
    you breathe. As particles break down, small bursts of energy released can
    damage lung tissue, leading to lung cancer. Not everyone exposed to elevated
    radon levels develops lung cancer. Time between exposure and lung cancer onset
    may be many years.
  • Home radon gas levels are not stable. Over a one-month period, radon gas
    readings can vary from safe to dangerous. Radon levels change due to humidity,
    temperature, ventilation, and season.
  • EPA currently recommends corrective action if radon levels exceed 4 pCi/L (4
    Pico-Curies per liter) on a long-term basis.
  • Radon gas detection requires sensitive radon test equipment.
Pro 3 Radon gas Continuous Home Radon Testing electronic monitor. Simple Electronic version for fast regular measurements, Canadian Certified version.
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