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Moisture Vapor Emission Calcium Chloride Test Kit for Concrete
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Moisture Vapor Emission Calcium Chloride Test Kit for Concrete
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Moisture Vapor Emission Calcium Chloride Test Kit for Concrete

Item #:NX2452
$15.95 USD
$12.00 USD (3 - 24)
$11.00 USD (25 - 49)
$9.25 USD (50 - 200)
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Anhydrous Calcium Chloride Vapor test for Concrete Floors

Moisture Test - Calcium Chloride Test Kit

Test your moisture vapor transmission rate before coating concrete slabs with :
Epoxies, Paints, Polyaspartics, Glues,and  standard floor coverings to make sure you do not have a future floor coating failure. Check with the manufacturer as to what the acceptable limit is for the vapor transmission rate for the desired product.

Testing of moisture levels in concrete for coatings or flooring is an easy and low-cost test method that anyone can do with a gram scale download instructions and see.Vapor Score products ph and calcium chloride test

Easy to test and see results
(.1) gram scale needed

Adheres to the latest ASTM 1869-11 test

Each Test Kit includes:

 1- Anhydrous  Calcium Chloride Test tray

 1- Airtight test plastic dome with sealant 

 1-Alkalinity ph test 

 1- Testing procedures with calculation formula sheet DownloadDownload Vapor Gauge instructions

This Anhydrous Calcium Chloride vapor test kit was developed over 40 years ago to quantify the volume of water vapor radiating from a concrete slab surface over time. This test is directly specified by the vast majority of the Floor Covering Industry as the primary measure of moisture acceptability for floor covering installation.

Use this test to model the amount of moisture that emits from 1,000 square feet of slab surface in 24 hours. The result is expressed in pounds which is the equivalent weight of water, emitted as vapor, over 1,000 square feet in 24 hours. Use this result to compare to the manufacturer's specifications for floor covering or coating tolerances. Always reference a copy of the manufacturer's specifications when reporting results using this test. Most manufacturers select the industry standard of 3lbs vapor pressure per 1000sq ft as a maximum for coating or covering concrete before treatments are required to reduce the vapor level.

This test requires the use of a gram-weight scale with the graduation of 1/10th (0.1) gram. The calcium chloride container is weighed before and after exposure to the concrete slab. It is highly recommended that the test be weighed before and directly after exposure using the same scale to ensure uniformity and accuracy of test results

Concrete Moisture & Alkalinity Testing Instructions:

Survey Job Site Conditions
Verify that the building’s environmental controls are operational. The building temperature and humidity should be representative of what it would be during normal use. The temperature should be between 65° F to 85° F or 18° C to 25° C and the relative humidity between 40% and 60% for a minimum of 48 hours before conducting tests.
Schedule Accordingly
On the first-day preparation will take place. On the following day the tests should be set and then later retrieved in 60 to 72 hours. The tests need to remain undisturbed for a minimum of 60 hours and a maximum of 72 hours.


Concrete Moisture & Alkalinity Testing Instructions:


Survey Job Site Conditions

Verify that the building’s environmental controls are operational. The building temperature and humidity should be representative of what it would be during normal use. The temperature should be between 65° F to 85° F  or 18° C to 25° C and the relative humidity between 40% and 60% for a minimum of 48 hours prior to conducting tests.
Schedule Accordingly
On the first-day preparation will take place. On the following day, the tests should be set and then later retrieved in 60 to 72 hours. The tests need to remain undisturbed for a minimum of 60 hours and a maximum of 72 hours.

Test Location & Frequency

Place tests throughout the area with some in the middle of the building, at the perimeter, over cracks and joints and especially in area of potential moisture. The tests should be performed at a rate of three tests for the first 1,000 square feet and one additional test for every 1,000 square feet.

Test Site Preparation

Remove foreign substances such as adhesives, curing compounds, sealers and floor covering materials. Before removing foreign substances and/or preparing the test site to verify that the existing materials do not contain asbestos and/or lead. Prepare a 20” x 20” test site by mechanical means (diamond cup wheel on grinder if possible) and leave exposed a minimum of 24 hours prior to setting the tests.

Weigh Calcium Chloride Container

Remove calcium chloride from the packing and weigh with a gram scale capable of measuring 0.1 grams. Do not remove the tape prior to weighing. To assure more accurate results always weigh tests on-site and just prior to setting. Record the weight and time on the dish label. Remove tape from calcium chloride container and adhere to the outside of the dome to check for leaks.

Placing Dome Cover

Remove the dish lid and place underneath the bottom piece. Be careful not to spill any calcium chloride. Place open calcium chloride container on the center of the test site, remove gasket cover and adhere dome to the concrete surface. Press firmly on the flange until the gasket reaches the outer part of the flange. Press on the center of the dome to check for leaks.

Retrieving Calcium Chloride Container

Cut the dome top with a box knife in a u-shape large enough to remove the calcium chloride container without spilling and calcium chloride. Replace dish lid cover, re-adhere tape, and re-weigh. Record the weight and time on the dish label.

Perform Alkalinity Tests  (a pH of 7 is neutral )

Perform one alkalinity test for every calcium chloride test. Place a quarter-sized amount of the pre-packaged test solution on the concrete surface. Let the solution stand for sixty seconds and then place pH paper into water and let stand for five seconds. Remove pH paper and immediately compare it to the color chart. The chart is included in the kit. Record pH test results on the corresponding calcium chloride dish. High pH refers to High alkaline soil salts penetrating through the slab. Check with the manufacturers specifications if you are treating or coating the concrete that it is compatible with a high pH above 9.
Concrete Floor Slab Moisture Emission Test Kit: Anhydrous Calcium Chloride vapor test. Prevent coating failures on concrete before coating.
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