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    Best place to Buy Roadware 10 Minute Mender 600 ml cartridges

    10 Min Mender

    Nextstar distributes premium Roadware concrete repair products for concrete cracks and damage in concrete floor/slabs in the USA & Canada

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    Contractors Buy Roadware 10 Minute Mender


    Exclusive products for concrete cracks and slab repair. While also offering a select line of D-I-Y slab kits to the general public.

  • Concrete Floor Crack Repair

    Garage Concrete Floor Crack Repair


    Repair your Garage Concrete Floor Cracks with cartridges of Roadware 10 Minute Mender for a Deep Bond to Concrete

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    Fire and Spall Damaged Concrete Floors


    The preferred solution to rapidly and effectively repair damaged cracked concrete floors or garage slabs, is a fast repair & strong, structural repair of concrete floor slabs

  • using Roadware 10 minute mender for bonding to carbon fiber

    Reinforcement of Concrete with

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    Carbon Fiber & 10 Minute Concrete Mender can work together to reinforce weak concrete, stronger than steel but at a reduced cost providing a modern solution to an old problem.

Roadware 10 minute concrete mender
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NextStar-technologies-concrete-foundation-crack-injection-repairCategory ListPolyurethane-crack-injection-kits
NextStar-technologies-concrete-foundation-crack-injection-repairRelated ItemsPolyurethane-crack-injection-kits
10 Minute Mender 50ML Cartridges 80105
Roadware 10-minute Mender50mlx50ml 80105 cartridges for repairing deep concrete cracks. Small cartridges easy use.
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$18.00 USD

10 Minute Mender (2 Quart) Floor Kit
Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender 2 Quart Kit is a two part hybrid ultra low viscosity urethane that penetrates deep for a fast and reliable permanent slab crack or spall repair.
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$155.00 USD

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10 Minute Concrete Mender 600ml Cartridge
NextStar-technologies-concrete-foundation-crack-injection-repairItem DetailsPolyurethane-crack-injection-kits
10 Minute Concrete Mender 600ml Cartridge
Item Name:

10 Minute Concrete Mender 600ml Cartridge

Item #:NX1842
Roadware 80050
$82.00 USD
$73.80 USD (Buy more than 2 and save)
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NextStar-technologies-concrete-foundation-crack-injection-repairItem OptionsPolyurethane-crack-injection-kits
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Optional Rubber tip mixer $3.55 ea (Add $3.55 USD)
Kit Option $250 USD total $31 Savings
Incl-3dual Tubes + Tool+ Extras (Add $168.00 USD)
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10 Minute Concrete Mender by Roadware

Dispensing tool Required. Each dual cartridge of 10 Minute Concrete Mender 80300 is 600ml (20oz) with 2 static mixers, retaining nut, and flow restrictor.
Shipping USA -Canada

Fast and easy concrete floor repairs cartridges allow for spot concrete repairs and are easy to use for cracks, spalls, or structural repair when fast high-strength repairs are needed.10 Minute Mender can be mixed with up to 3 parts of silica sand (sandblasting sand). Each cartridge can do up to 20ft of floor cracks.


Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender™ is a two-part polyurethane that penetrates deep into concrete to make permanent repairs. Nearly thin as water at less than 8cps, Concrete Mender™ injects itself into the concrete matrix and shores up the existing concrete and repairs. Concrete Mender™ eliminates the bond line as it Micro-dowels into the concrete. We call it Micro-dowling™.


10 Minute Concrete Mender is available in two versions.

Standard that is the lowest viscosity on the market can be used in most applications. Mender VO Low Odor New 2020 should be used in spaces that are being occupied: Inside buildings, residences, office space, or basement applications where the Odor may be an issue.

10 Minute Mender
Type Differences
Standard 10 Minute Mender ****
select which 10 minute mender to useREG
10 Minute Mender VO Low Odor
mender Vo low or No Odor concrete repairLO
Recommended Locations for Use    
Recommended Yesyes NOWhen it is not recommended
Versions of 10 Minute Mender Regular
Viscosity cps
Garage Floors
garage floor repair
garage crack repair
Warehouse Floors
Warehouse floor crack repair
Warehouse concrete crack repair
Basement Floors
Use Vo mender for basement floors
Roadware 10-minute mender
Living Spaces
use the Low VOC for living spaces
10 mender not recommended for basement floors
Freezer floor repair
basement concrete floor cracks
Below Freezing
Use 10 minute mender below freezing temperatures
Below freezing usage
General Crack Repair
General concrete crack repair
No V.O.C no smell
Ventilation Required ****
ventilation required

10 Minute Mender
Standard Version
Technical Specifications
Mix Ratio
Dual Cartridge Volume Total 600

Typical Properties: Value (average)

Hardness @ 72° F. (22° C)
Compressive Strength (Neat)
Compressive Strength (with sand)
Tensile Strength:
Average Modulus
Bond Strength, ASTM 882-99
Surface Tension (Wilhelmy Plate)
Gel time @ 72° F (22° C
Cure time @ 72° F (22° C)
temperature range for application
Packaging 600ml , 2 Quart, 1Gal
10 Minute Mender
LO Low Odor Version
Technical Specifications for VO
Mix Ratio
Dual Cartridge Volume Total 600

Typical Properties: Value (average)

Viscosity Approx
Hardness @ 72° F. (22° C)
Compressive Strength ASTM D695
Compressive Strength (with sand)
Elongation ASTM D638
Tensile Strength, ASTM D638
Cured color, sand, and pigment determines the final color
Gel time @ 72° F (22° C
Cure Time (Tac Free) Approximately
Temperature range for application
Packaging 600ml tubes, 2 Quart,

Summary of Differences

Compared to the Standard 10 Minute Mender
Mender LO is a little thicker but very low odor and the recommended in Living Spaces.

Cracks in floors and side sump pit repair using 10-minute concrete menderGarage floor crack repair before epoxy floor coatingConcrete floor spall from fire damaged, repaired and ground flat

 Other Roadware mender productsOther Packaging Links

Concrete Mender 2 Quart kit 2 Quart Kit no applicator needed

1 gallon Roadware 10 minute Concrete Mender package 1 Gallon Kit Mini Bulk

2 gallon Roadware 10 minute Concrete Mender package 2 Gallon package

10 gallon Roadware 10 minute Concrete Mender bulk package 10 Gallon Bulk

 MatchCrete Clear (for decorative concrete)

  Instructions for 10 minute concrete mender cartridges  Cartridge Tube Instructions  


 Technical data Sheet for Roadware 10 Minute Concrete MenderTechnical Data 10 Minute Mender
Buy 10-minute concrete mender direct from Nextstar

  MSDS Material safety data sheets MSDS 10 Minute Mender


 Technical Data Sheet for Mender VOTechnical Data  Mender VO
Buy 10-minute concrete mender VO  direct from Nextstar

 MSDS Material safety data sheetsMSDS 10 Minute Mender LO A   

Made in the USA

Now you can repair cracks and spalls to a smooth finish in a fraction of the time it takes with ordinary products. Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender is a revolutionary new two-part hybrid urethane for repairing concrete. It's nearly water thin for deep penetration and it won't pop out like epoxy because it never gets brittle. Not UV stable and will change color in the sun so coating over is recommended. Use Matchcrete for outside decorative repairs such as exposed aggregate.

  •  Permanent repair - doesn't pop out
  •  Cures in ten minutes for traffic or coating (LO Version 20 minutes)
  •  Quick and easy surface preparation - no saw cuts necessary
  •  No minimum or maximum depth restrictions
  •  Low installed cost vs. alternatives
  •  Cures in temperatures down to -20° F (VO Version -6)
  •  Bonds to concrete, masonry, steel & wood
  •  Compatible with all floor coatings
  •  Moisture tolerant
  •  No shrinkage - 4% elongation
  •  Excellent chemical resistance
  •  Extremely thin - low surface tension
  •  Cure stops at 4500 psi
  •  Dynamic load transfer
  •  Can be painted - Grinds well
  •  Trowelable when mixed with up to 3 parts sand
  •  Meets USDA guidelines
  • Compatible use with Carbon Fiber Stitches and Staples 

Use of 10 Minute Mender for concrete repair

10 Minute Concrete Mender can be used in many ways with ease depending on the type of problem and listed below are some common best practices to use.

  1. Ultra-small cracks can be injected directly with 10 Minute Mender; cracks less than .5 mm.
  2. Small slab cracks .5 mm - 2 mm usually require the crack to be crack chased with a diamond blade and crack wetted with the product first. Then wetting again while adding sand and troweling it into the crack and repeating, as necessary.
  3.  Cracks that are a little larger 2 mm - 15 mm may require some sand inside the crack first to stop the product from simply draining out the bottom; 10 Minute Mender will drain through 4-7 cm (1.5-4 inches) dry sand without a problem. Apply enough 10-minute Mender to flood the sand and repeat it to the next layer. Mixing sand and mender together before applying into the crack can leave voids and may not flow far enough before starting to gel.
  4.   Large cracks: 15 mm and up can be repaired by mixing 10 Minute Mender with 2 parts sand and troweling into the repair area.
  5.  Concrete spalls are repaired the same as large cracks but do require that it be ground after with a hand grinder with a diamond cup wheel or floor grinder unit to get the right profile to match the current concrete.
  6.  Broken or missing pieces of concrete can be repaired by using plastic or waxed cardboard as a form and mix product the same as for a large crack.
  7.  Delamination can be solved by directly drilling holes into the affected area, but not all the way through the slab, then injecting the mender directly using the cartridge system into the delamination area or void. No sand is involved as part of the mix.
  8.  It is recommended that if the repair is in a residence that 10 Minute Mender VO version be used so there is no fumes. The standard version if mixed in the wrong ratio may smell for an extended amount of time. Using the VO version will have no smell with very similar performance.

FAQ about Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender

Q. What kind of sand can be used with Concrete Mender?
A. We Recommend Silica Sand (sandblasting sand) because it is clean, dry, and consistent in size. You can use regular sand, but it must be dried, and the finer the better if no silica sand is available. Avoid using sand that has any dirt or contaminants in it.

Q. Why does 10 Min Mender cost more than other products?
A. Concrete Mender is a premium commercial product that has the lowest viscosity and best performance in the industry that costs more to produce. At Nextstar we can attest that everyone has tried to copy this product without success and remains the only trusted product you can count on for results.

Q. Some of my repairs have bubbles coming up from the repair what do I do?
A. No worries, let the Concrete Mender cure and grind or scrape as normal. Re-apply as needed for a second layer to fill any voids. The bubbling is because the product came in contact with moisture, which is a chemical reaction. Grinding is the preferred method.

Q. Can I use 10 Minute mender outside on a sidewalk?
A. Yes, it will work very well for a structural repair but account to cover the repair with concrete color matching material such as a concrete powder coat or dabbed latex paint. Mender products will yellow over time, which does not affect strength, but the UV sunlight affects the looks.

Q. Can I use more layers of 10 Minute Concrete mender after it has cured?
A. Yes, but it must be roughed up first with a grinder, sanded. Since the product is not porous after cure, it is best to do each layer before the previous layer has cured if possible.

Q. Can I add larger aggregate when mixing in batches for large holes or cracks?
A. Yes, If you have an extensive hole or void to fill, you can also mix ¾ gravel and silica sand to increase the material volume.

Q. Can I mix 10 Minute Concrete Mender manually?
A. Yes, As long as you keep the ratio of components to a 1:1 ratio, using a small mixing cup or using a squeeze bottle to dispense is acceptable.

Q. How Much product will I need?
A. Use the NextStar product volume Estimator 10 Min Mender is listed. Click Here

Q. How long can I keep 10 Minute Mender in storage?
A. We do not recommend more than a year if opened or not; however, practical experience shows it will last two years in storage, but the packaging may fail before the product does. The Vo Low odor Mender must be used within one year of purchase.

Q. Why should I not use regular Concrete Mender in a living space?
A. Regular 10 Minute Mender, when mixed, is 98% solids but mixed incorrectly will tend to have the smell linger longer than most people would like. If space is under construction or not actively used by people, it will not be an issue.

Q. Does the temperature affect the cure time of 10 Minute Concrete Mender?
A. Yes, temperature affects the cure time for regular 10 Minute Concrete Mender, near 32f 0c, it can take up to 45 minutes to set hard enough to grind or profile. It may be necessary to pre-cool the cartridges or jugs in the summer to give you extra work time. If allowed to warm too much, it will shorten the gel time considerably.

Q. Can I reuse a static mixer tube and flow restrictor with cartridges?
A. Yes, maybe if the static mixer has completely drained or any cured material in the static mixer. The Flow restrictor can be wiped off, and the two holes in it cleaned out.

Q. What do I do if I run out or lose my mixer tube?
A. Manually dispense into a mixing cup, stir for 10 seconds and dispense directly or pour into a squeeze bottle and dispense that way.

Q. Can I Use 10 Minute Concrete Mender without the flow restrictor?
A. Yes, however, be prepared to use the whole cartridge. The flow restrictor helps with cross-contamination across the cartridge, and without using it, the A/B components may pre-mix in the cartridge before dispensing.

Q. How do I repair a broken garage floor entrance edge from tire impact damage?
A. Grind out any loose and broken concrete on the floor edge. It works well using some waxed cardboard or packing tape on cardboard to form the desired shape to control the product. Dispense Concrete Mender on the repair area, then add silica sand and more product to build up after it has cured grind with a diamond cup wheel on a hand grinder to the desired shape.

Further FAQ pages at Roadware Incorporated

Buy Roadware 10 Minute Mender tube for fast, effective concrete floor and slab crack repairs. Available exclusively at Nextstar Technologies.
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