Foundation Epoxy crack repair kits by Nextstar are your choice in concrete crack repair for foundations with epoxy for concrete. National # 1-866-445-3984
Polyurethane Crack Injection kits
Crack Injection
Concrete foundation crack repair made easy with polyurethane are used by contractors and professionals for foundations with non-structural cracks. Offering a permanent solution to stop basement foundation crack leaks. An effective proven method that is also cost-effective.
Foundation Crack Repair Kits
Pro Kits
Premium Polyurethane for basement concrete foundations, to stop water leaking into foundations and provide an easy method to achieve professional results.
Repair of Pipe Penetrations
Preferred solutions that can effectively repair common problems with pipe penetrations in any basement wall. Other uses such as hanger bolts, holes and snap tie rods.
Repair of Hangar Bolts
Foundation injections allow for permanent repair of leaking pipe penetrations or any other hole flaw or leaking hangar bold.