• polyurethane foam crack injection

    Foundation Crack Repair Kits


    Foundation Epoxy crack repair kits by Nextstar are your choice in concrete crack repair for foundations with epoxy for concrete. National # 1-866-445-3984

  • concrete crack injection kit for concrete foundations

    Polyurethane Crack Injection kits

    Crack Injection

    Concrete foundation crack repair made easy with polyurethane are used by contractors and professionals for foundations with non-structural cracks. Offering a permanent solution to stop basement foundation crack leaks. An effective proven method that is also cost-effective.

  • concrete foundation crack injection repair kit with polyurethane

    Foundation Crack Repair Kits

    Pro Kits

    Premium Polyurethane for basement concrete foundations, to stop water leaking into foundations and provide an easy method to achieve professional results.

  • Repair foundation pipe leaks with pipe tight polyurethane kit

    Repair of Pipe Penetrations 


    Preferred solutions that can effectively repair common problems with pipe penetrations in any basement wall. Other uses such as  hanger bolts, holes and snap tie rods.

  • polyurethane foam crack injection for basement foundation walls

    Repair of Hangar Bolts


    Foundation injections allow for permanent repair of leaking pipe penetrations or any other hole flaw or leaking hangar bold.

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Pipe Penetration Kit (1-4 Pipes)
NextStar-technologies-concrete-foundation-crack-injection-repairItem DetailsPolyurethane-crack-injection-kits
Pipe Penetration Kit (1-4 Pipes)
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Pipe Penetration Kit (1-4 Pipes)

Item #:NX1114
$99.00 USD
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Foundation Pipe Penetration Injection Kit

pipe penetration kit for leaks around  pipes in basements

Pipe penetrations from water, sewer, hangar bolts, and gas pipes in concrete basement walls create a common point of entry for water and dangerous soil gases in a basement.  Also, it can be a potential health hazard. The reason many pipe areas fail is that it is typically sealed with a temporary patch during the construction of the home. This patch usually fails and is rarely repaired correctly. Over time, water leaks into your basement.

hanger bolt and pipe penetration kit for leaks around  pipes in foundations

This water can cause damage to property and begin generating toxic black mold. Along with water, the pipe penetration will also allow in soil gases like radon. According to the E.P.A. Radon is the number one cause of cancer in non-smoking Americans. The multi-viscosity polyurethane will expand up to 20 times its size and cure as a hard foam but will inject very easily. This product can stay active up to 7 days from the injection and will foam if it encounters moisture if it was not present during the original injection. This Pipe Penetration Kit with blended viscosity Polyurethane Foam allows you to seal 1 to 4 penetrations from the interior by injecting expanding Polyurethane Foam around the penetration to form a water-tight seal. 

Kit Components: Enough to repair one to four  pipe penetrations

  • 1 Pint 473mls of 100/800 Viscosity Polyurethane with Activator
  • One Set A/B of  Epoxy paste surface seal
  • 400ml Mixing cup
  • Syringe 
  • 4 standard & 4 surface corner ports 
  • Safety Gloves and mixing sticks
  • Instructions 


  • leaks around pipes entering a basement
  • leaks under foundation mounted steps leaks from the hanger bolts
  • Leaking gaps  around concrete floor drains
  • Leaks around in-floor entry heat distribution pipes 
DIY basement pipe seal kit for 1 to 4 pipes, holes, and hangar bolts. Easy-to-use with blended polyurethane foam. Repair leaks around pipes entering the basement.
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