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    Foundation Crack Repair Kits


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    Polyurethane Crack Injection kits

    Crack Injection

    Concrete crack repair made easy with polyurethane are used by contractors and professionals for foundations with non-structural cracks. Offering a permanent solution to stop basement foundation crack leaks. An effective proven method that is also cost-effective.

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    Foundation Crack Repair Kits

    Pro Kits

    Premium Polyurethanes for basement concrete foundations, to stop water leaking into foundations and provide an easy method to achieve professional results.

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    Repair of cracked foundation walls


    Preferred solutions that can effectively repair common problems with broken or cracked concrete that may be leaking from corners of windows, hanger bolts, holes and snap tie rods.

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    Repair of Cracked Foundation Walls

    Wall Flaws

    Foundation injections allow to permanently repair walls that are wet or leaking.

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20 ft DIY Polyurethane Foundation Crack Repair Kit 5
NextStar-technologies-concrete-foundation-crack-injection-repairItem DetailsPolyurethane-crack-injection-kits
foundation crack repair kit canada
Item Name:

20 ft DIY Polyurethane Foundation Crack Repair Kit 5

Item #: 20ft Polyurethane Kit 5
$275.00 USD
NextStar-technologies-concrete-foundation-crack-injection-repairItem OptionsPolyurethane-crack-injection-kits
Upgrade Options
Upgrade to 30ft kit + Extras (Add $128.00 USD)
Upgrade to 60 ft kit +Extras (Add $424.00 USD)
1 Extra Polyurethane for larger cracks (Add $26.00 USD)
Upgrade to Heavy Duty Tool (Add $40.00 USD)
Upgrade W/Spring Assisted HD Tool (Add $35.00 USD)
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Introducing DIY 20ft Pro Polyurethane Foam Crack Injection Kit

The ultimate repair solution for leaking cracks and joints in poured concrete basement walls and foundation walls.

The high-density polyurethane foam is superior to a superficial filler such as hydraulic cement or caulking. It is not just a cosmetic remedy. It expands to more than 10 times its original size as it is injected from the inside to the outside completely penetrating the wall and seeping into every crack, fissure, and pore of the concrete. The full thickness of the wall is waterproofed which does not shrink in size over time.
Once it expands and sets, the foam retains its integrity, and volume, thereby leaving no room for liquids to seep through the wall cracks, pipe openings, wall joints, and so on. The flexibility of polyurethane foam ensures that the seal it produces is retained despite the ground movements, changes in seasons, and frost movement. An industry approved standard method of leaking non-structural foundation cracks.


Leaking concrete basement foundation cracks
Non-Structural foundation cracks
Pipe openings and holes
Looking for the smaller versions of this kit click these links 10ft version

Kit Components 20 ft Polyurethane Foam Crack Injection kit

Professional grade polyurethane 2 Professional-grade dual cartridge (600ml each) containing Premium Polyurethane Foam #102. Enough material to inject a 3/16" wide by 10 ft. long crack

dual cartridge of sealing paste 2 Dual cartridge of Crack Seal and Port Adhesive type 901 Paste.

surface injection ports 30 Surface injection ports and caps – enough for a 30-35 ft. long crack

static mixing nossles 3 - 1/4 x 24 mixing nozzles & nuts (for use with injection resin)

crack injection feed hose 1 Injection hose assembly with shut-off valve

mixing sticks 6 wooden sticks & water syringe

Safety PPE Safety goggles & 4 pairs of nitrile gloves

wire brush for cleaing the concrete crack Wire brush NX-300 Manual dispensing tool (300/300-150ml)

Complete set of NextStar foundation repair instructions Complete instructions & instructional Flash Drive video & MSDS Data Read basic repair procedure

Free shipping North America Shipping USA and Canada

Kit options

Repairing concrete cracks in the winterKit Components for the 30ft Polyurethane version + Extras
  • 3 Professional-grade dual cartridges (600ml each) containing Premium Polyurethane Foam #102. Enough material to inject a 3/16" wide by 30 ft. long crack
  • 3 Dual cartridges of Crack Seal and Port Adhesive type 901 Paste.
  • 50 Surface injection ports and caps – enough for a 30-35 ft. long crack
  • 10 Corner Surface injection ports and caps enough for 8 ft corner crack
  • 6 - 1/4 x 24 mixing nozzles & 4 nuts (for use with injection resin)
  • 3 Injection hose assembly’s with shut-off valve
  • Six wooden sticks & water syringe
  • Safety goggles & 5 pairs of nitrile gloves
  • Wire brush
  • NX-300 Manual dispensing tool (300/300-150ml)
  • Complete instructions & instructional Flash Drive video & MSDS Data


Kit Components for the 60ft Polyurethane version + Extras
  • 6 Professional-grade dual cartridges (600ml each) containing Premium Polyurethane Foam#102. Enough material to inject a 3/16" wide by 30 ft. long crack
  • 6 Dual cartridges of Crack Seal and Port Adhesive type 901 Paste.
  • 100 Surface injection ports and caps – enough for a 60-65 ft. long crack
  • 10 Corner Surface injection ports and caps enough for 8 ft corner crack
  • 8 - 1/4 x 24 mixing nozzles & 4 nuts (for use with injection resin)
  • 4 Injection hose assembly’s with shut-off valve
  • 12 wooden sticks & water syringe
  • Safety goggles & 5 pairs of nitrile gloves
  • Wire brush
  • NX-300 Manual dispensing tool (300/300-150ml)
  • Complete instructions & instructional Flash Drive video & MSDS Data


Differances between epoxiesOptional items:
  • Heavy Duty applicator that has 26:1 trust ratio vs the standard 18:1 ration which makes dispensing thick products much easier and supplied with multi ratio push discs for fast change to other types of products that we supply.
  • Spring-loaded applicator frees up the user from having to apply constant pressure during the injection, only occasional pumping is required to maintain the pressure at a max of 50 psi. A great option for larger or ongoing projects
  • Other options include adding extra Polyurethane
  • Link to More #102 Polyurethane More 901 sealing paste More ports, mixers etc
  • This kit can have the number of Standard surface ports vs the number of Corner surface ports changed at no cost just specify on the special shipping instructions on checkout or give us a call at 866-445-3984 after you have made your order.



Easy-to-Use DIY Kit for Semi-professionals

DIY Polyurethane Foam Crack Injection Kits offer a professional-grade solution against water leaks in a concrete wall. The kit is so user-friendly that even someone who has minimal DIY project experience can use it. No construction expertise or specialized equipment is required because no exterior digging or excavation is needed for the project. The low-pressure injection process from the inside fills up the cracks, pores, pipe openings, and joints. It’s a very easy and straightforward process to achieve.

This kit offers the same product that professional contractors use to repair leaking cracks. The advantage of this kit is that it simplifies the repair process for the DIYers. All the repair essentials, including the tools, are provided as part of the kit. The user can follow the instructions supplied in the manual and perform the repair with ease without any professional assistance. The result will be as good and secure as that performed by a professional.

Why Cheaper Kits Do Not Work?

The more commonly available concrete crack repair kits on the market do not provide enough material to fill up the crack properly. Also, this type of material by any manufacturer has a limited shelf life and if purchased at a retail location then the age of the material is unknown by the time it is used. NextStar makes sure you are supplied with recently packaged material to extend the use time. Some of the products packaged on the market use a single caulking tube type that have an internal piston to dispense equal amounts of chemical but during this process dispenses much less material then the applicator anticipated. Most of these tubes are 7-9 oz 185 – 250 ml compared to a single professional-grade dual tube which is a full 600 ml. In this case, the retail or universal cartridge will cost you more as you are forced to purchase more product to complete the repair. The use of caulking type materials is simply a temporary patch only and is all that should be expected of them. Using Nextstar professional-grade products for foundation crack repairs will save as the job only needs to be done once. The effective solution against leaking wall cracks is a material that repels water and does not lose its integrity over the years.

Why Polyurethane Foam Crack Injection Works?

This kit is specially designed to offer a lasting solution against leaking cracks in concrete foundation walls. Here are the various reasons why it is more effective than the other options available in the market.

  • Polyurethane foam is hydrophobic. Unlike concrete, it does not absorb or retain water. By filling up every nook, corner, and open space of the crack from the inside, the foam creates a watertight seal throughout the thickness of the wall. There is no room left for water to penetrate, settle, or seep.


  • The high-density foam expands over 10 times its original size and does not lose its volume over time. In other words, the seal it creates is a permanent seal.


  • When the foam cures, it forms a semi-flexible resin. This flexibility preserves its integrity over many decades, despite ground movement and continuous changes in temperatures and seasons. As a result, the waterproofing effect is not compromised over the decades.


When is This Kit Not Suitable?

When you have a crack that requires structural reinforcement, you need an injection material that provides strength and support to the wall. The polyurethane foam kit is not a suitable choice for this purpose. It is designed to offer protection against wall crack water leaks. It does not offer structural strength. In such a case, Nexstar’s Epoxy Foundation Crack Repair Kits would be the ideal choice.

20ft DIY NextStar Polyurethane concrete foundation crack injection repair kit for leaking basement foundation walls. Pro kit contains everything you need to stop basement water leaks permanently with Professional results.  For poured concrete wall repair.
Your Online Concrete Foundation and Concrete crack repair Super Store