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Volume Calculator Concrete Crack Repair Epoxy & Polyurethane
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Concrete Crack Volume measurement for chemical usage during injection or repair

Concrete Repair Product Volume Calculator

Crack injection or concrete floor repair product volumes can be calculated using our product volume calculator in imperial or metric the metric is further down the calculator column page. Things to consider before using our calculator.

Concrete crack epoxy volume calculator

1. Wall cracks in concrete tend to be wedge-shaped as force may be pressing on the wall from one side such as a horizontally cracked basement wall and this will affect the volume of the product may be actually less than the calculator shows.

2. Very small wall cracks may not always extend to the exterior of the concrete so the volume of the product used will be a little less than calculated but is an accurate gauge of actual usage due to product loss.

3. Large Wall Cracks can create a situation that allows for uncontrolled product loss when a too low of viscosity is used and it simply saturates the soil outside the wall injection. This is why selecting the correct viscosity or changing viscosity during the repair helps with product loss especially with Epoxy as it does not expand and is filling the void until it cures. So when using the calculator always assume some product loss.

4. The difference in volume between different tube sets is because some are 1:1 ratio and each has a total volume of 600ml where a 2:1 ratio tube set product is only 450ml so more product is needed for this type.

5. All of the Polyurethane products expand but this expansion ratio is affected by the amount of moisture or water present inside the wall. Our calculator is showing values from actual usage from real repairs and is an average value. Product loss can also be affected by too much injection pressure or when an unknown void is encountered.

6. Epoxy and Polyurethane products are designed for concrete walls and should not be used on floors. If you wish to use on a suspended or precast concrete floor contact us so we can make sure you use the correct product for your situation.

Floor Crack Calculations

The calculators are reasonably accurate for all floor repairs as most breaks are even through the floor, both the 10-minute mender and E555 are compatible with sand as void fill for larger cracks.

Volume Calculator for concrete foundation repair
US Imperial
Imperial example width
1/32in=.031 1/16in=.062 1/8in=.125
Imperial Measurements Enter Below
Length in Feet Input crack length in feet
Crack Width in inches i.e( .062 ) Input crack width in inches
Concrete Thickness in inches Imput crack length in feetTyp
Volume Cubic in
Total Volume in mls mls
Product Required Number of Dual Tubes
Epoxy LV,MV,EHV 600ml ea Tubes
Epoxy 101 Paste 450ml Tubes
Epoxy ULV#4 450ml Tubes
102 Polyurethane Tubes
Koster 2n1 Polyurethane Tubes
Sealing Paste Needed
Type 901,302,322 Tubes
Surface Ports Needed Ports
100/800 Polyurethane oz
W/ Activator
Concrete Floor Repair Products
85-90 Flex No Sand Tubes
E555 No Sand Tubes
E555 w 2 parts Sand Tubes
10 Min Mender No Sand Tubes
10 Min w 2 parts Sand Tubes
10 Min 2Quarts Jugs Kits
10 Min 2Quarts w2 Parts Sand Kits
Metric Example a standard wall thickness
A Standard 8in wall is 20.4cm thick
Concrete Crack Size Metric Enter Below
Length in Meters Input crack length in meters
Crack Width in Cm i.e. (.22) Input crack width in centimeters
Concrete Thickness in Cm Input crack thickness in centimeterstyp
Total Volume in mls mls
Product Required Number of Dual Tubes
Epoxy LV,MV,EHV 600ml ea Tubes
Epoxy 101 Paste 450ml Tubes
Epoxy ULV#4 450ml Tubes
102 Polyurethane Tubes
Koster 2n1 Polyurethane Tubes
Sealing Paste Needed
Type 901,302,322 Tubes
Surface Ports Needed Ports
100/800 Polyurethane mls
W/ Activator
Concrete Floor Repair Products
85-90 Flex No Sand Tubes
E555 No Sand Tubes
E555 w 2 parts Sand Tubes
10 Min Mender No Sand Tubes
10 Min w 2 parts Sand Tubes
10 Min 2Quarts Jugs Kits
10 Min 2Quarts w2 parts Sand Kits
Calculate how much Epoxy, Polyurethane Foam or hybrid Urethane to repair concrete walls and floors. Concrete cracks, shop, garage floor repairs. Basement foundation chemical product calculator from NextStar Technologies.
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